A Web3 community Focused on inspiring the next generation of builders, collectors & traders




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Membership Benefits

Whitelist Opportunities
Let the opportunity to win guarantee whitelist opportunities for the hottest NFT mints
Exclusive AMA’s
Listen in on private AMAs with the most insightful founders & builders in Web3
Early Content Access
Access early content, interviews, and more before anyone else
Access To The Team
Connect with The Parallax team on a regular basis and have the opportunity to make an impact in our community

Academy Sessions

Owning The Parallax Genesis grants you access to our live academy sessions, where we dive deep and share the best insights only available to insiders in Web3.

Holders will be granted access to our academy vault with all our previously recorded sessions. New academy sessions are typically added every month.

Some of our previous topics include: NFT Marketing for Projects & Personal Brands, Networking in Web3, Web3 Creative Direction, Building a Career in Web 3, and so much more.


Parallax Genesis holders will get instant access to our private holders’ Discord channel to discuss market trends, upcoming mints, and exclusive alpha not shared anywhere else.

Get connected to like-minded builders, collectors, & traders and take your skills to the next level.

Anime Inspired Membership Pass

The Parallax Genesis is a 777 collection of unique anime-inspired NFTs that grants you exclusive membership into our community. Hand-drawn by an anime artist from Japan, each NFT features unique traits, personalities, and combinations.
View Collection


image aboutimage dang
Patrick dang
Patrick Dang is a Web3 builder, content creator, and strategic advisor focused on inspiring the next generation of builders & collectors.

The Parallax is one of the most popular Web3/ NFT YouTube channels covering NFT news, project analysis and hosts thought-provoking podcasts with some of the most influential builders in the space.

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